A $600M world-class science facility comes to New Brunswick

A new science facility named Atlantic Science Enterprise Center (ASEC) has broken ground in Monton, N.B. Photo courtesy Diamond Schmitt

To provide federal scientists and researchers with state-of-the-art, sustainable, and collaborative facilities, a new science facility named Atlantic Science Enterprise Center (ASEC) has broken ground in Monton, N.B.

The facility is being built on the site of the existing Gulf Fisheries Centre and will maintain the original building’s heritage facade, most notably, a portion of the front masonry facade and interior design of the galleria on the main level.

A 14-m (45.9-ft)-long North Atlantic right whale skeleton, one of ASEC’s most significant scientific artifacts, will be prominently featured in the atrium.

ASEC will bring together federal scientists from five science-based departments and agencies working to protect and sustain Atlantic freshwater and coastal ecosystems. The centre will be equipped with modern laboratory spaces and technology tailored to scientists’ needs, as well as offices and workspaces for more than 700 employees.

Site preparation began in 2023, and official construction began last month. Occupancy for the science wing is anticipated in 2028, and the full $600-million ASEC facility is expected to be operational by 2032.

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